作为我们专业预科课程的一名学生, you’ll work one-on-one with 教师 members 和 advisors to develop a course of study tailored to your interests 和 aspirations. 你将受益于课堂上的个人关注, h和s-on experiences 和 教师 who are accomplished educators 和 esteemed professionals in their fields. We will guide you through the process of identifying 和 applying to graduate schools, 让你走上正确的道路,实现你的职业目标.


The opportunities to pursue a career in law are endless 和 you can find a path to take you there across a variety of disciplines. You’ll have the opportunity to chart an academic course that combines the study of law with the fields 和 subjects that interest you most.

We will connect you with pre-law 教师 advisors who will help you plan the course of your studies based on your career ambitions. You’ll take courses that introduce legal concepts 和 we will help you prepare for your graduate studies. You will walk away from Ashl和 with a strong foundation in the liberal arts, with the critical thinking 和 problem-solving skills essential to the success of any law professional.


The Ashl和 University 法律系的 Society is a fully chartered, student-run organization designed for students interested in a law career. Members network with local attorneys through our legal lecture series, 参加审判并参观当地的法律学校. You will also prepare to take the Law School Admittance Test (LSAT), 包括免费的LSAT考试练习. 除了, practicing attorneys from the 商学院 和 经济学 will assist you in preparing your application materials for law school.

在他们的本科经历中, members receive curriculum advice from legal specialists in both the 文学院 和 科学 和 商学院 和 经济学, with particular attention to the logic 和 problem-solving techniques preferred by law schools.




作为一名学前健康科学专业的学生, 我们会带你走出教室,走进实地. We'll prepare you to be among the 90 percent of our students who are accepted into professional health programs after graduation. And we’ll connect you with accomplished 教师 who don’t just teach science – they live it!

You will have opportunities to connect 和 network with other students, 教师, 你所选领域的校友和专业人士. 你也将获得宝贵的实践经验. You will be surrounded by professors 和 mentors invested in your future, who will help you prepare for advanced degrees 和 exciting careers.


  • Pre-Dentistry
  • 医学前检验科学
    (3+1 partnerships with the Clevel和 Clinic School of Medical Laboratory Science 和 Akron Cooperative Medical Laboratory Science Program at Akron Children’s Hospital)
  • Pre-Medicine
  • Pre-Optometry
  • Pre-Pharmacy
  • Pre-Physical疗法
  • Pre-Physician助理
  • Pre-Veterinary医学

健康科学预科学生推荐的专业包括 生物学, 生物化学, 化学毒理学. These majors will give you the flexibility to apply to professional programs, graduate programs or to get a job immediately after graduation.

Regardless of your major, you can participate in the student-run Pre-Health Club.

护理学院 & 曼斯菲尔德的健康科学大楼




作为葡京平台线上神学院的学生, 您将受益于我们之间的密切关系 宗教部门, 基督教事工办公室阿什兰神学院.

You will be studying for your Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in religion. 作为一个宗教专业的学生, you will be an active member of an academic community that integrates life, 服务, 崇拜与学习. 你的课程会让你更深入地学习圣经, 基督教历史和神学, 事工实践及跨宗教研究与对话. This curriculum will prepare you to continue your studies at seminary 和 for a lifetime of 服务 to the church. A Religion professor will act as an academic advisor who helps you tailor your studies to get the most out of your degree program. 这可能包括为获得课程学分而在政府部门实习.

There are opportunities to get involved in serving right away through the 基督教事工办公室 学生团体,比如 油井, 基督教运动员团契, 基督教外展联盟天主教校园事工.


You will be invited to join the Pre-Seminary奖学金 that is open to all students considering graduate theological study 和 a future in ministry. These will include gatherings with various 阿什兰神学院 professors, students 和 alumni that will encourage you as you explore your calling 和 journey to seminary 和 beyond.


In your junior year, you can take advantage of the partnership between the 宗教部门亚什兰神学院(ATS) 申请神学院预科加速课程. This will allow you to start taking seminary classes that simultaneously count toward your B.A. general electives 和 a variety of non-counseling master’s degrees at ATS. (Students often study Biblical Greek 和/or Hebrew to prepare for seminary.



新约助理教授; 助理主任,学生和项目发展


Are you eager to combine your creative passion with your curiosity about the human mind? Ashl和 University’s Fine Art program lays the groundwork of artistic expertise, while our Psychology program equips you for a fulfilling career dedicated to serving others. 作为一名艺术预科治疗的学生, you’ll collaborate with peers from both psychology 和 fine art disciplines, 营造丰富的跨学科环境.

Students interested in 与治疗 should take a combination of courses found in the 艺术与设计系心理学系. Typical requirements for graduate programs in Art Therapy 和 Counseling include:

  • 18 semester hours in studio art to include: Drawing, Painting, Ceramics, Sculpture
  • 心理学12学时:
    • 普通心理学
    • 发展心理学
    • 个性
    • 变态心理学
  • 在人力服务环境中与人一起工作(例如.g.(通过实习)也是推荐的.

These requirements can be completed by earning Bachelor of Arts degrees in both Fine Arts 和 Psychology. The completion of both degrees is possible within a typical 4- year framework.


